Our last full day in Orlando we set out early again. We wanted to do everything "just one more time" and add in some other things we had not done yet. (these pictures are a little jumbled but I'm going to just write it up as they come)
Wynn loved on Stitch.
We painted faces!
I gave a pep talk before the 'pace emperor met his nemesis!
In the end the 'pace emperor wouldn't get in the picture.
We talked to the Mouse.
We saw some incredible edible eggs!
I got a decent picture of me with the fab four!
We ate dinner with some special people!
The special people entertained us with crazy antics and even allowed the space emperor to laser them!
The eggs explained!
More special people!
Chloe's most favorite hotel ever!
Boat ride fun!
Rapunzel and the crew blending into the wall like Pascal!
Being gloomy like Eeyore!
Hutch's Buzz Lightyear ride score
My score
Chloe's score
Big Thunder at night with Aunt Alice is AWESOME!!!
Riding with Mommy is sort of cool too!
The ride home was a scary one for some but we all made it back to
sweet home Alabama!