Thursday, June 30, 2011


Four kids 6 and under leaves very little time for blogging. In fact it leaves little time for anything except going in circles. Feed them, clean them, wash their clothes, feed them, clean them, sweep the crumbs under the couch, feed them and so on. Exhausted is an understatement but truthfully I am having fun with all the little children. Except when J.B. screams until my ears bleed. The month of June has been busy but with very little picture-worthy things going on. I did take a few photos, so here they are in no particular order.

our new sweet ride

toe touches on the swing set

snoozing baby in the carrier

Hutch digging a hole in the yard like a man

Sunday, June 19, 2011

You Said What?

A few funny words that are the new way to say things in our house. I will be adding more later.

Flapinko= flamingo
DonDon Duck= Donald Duck

Finley: I gave Hutch some markers and he started coloring on the little book. He was using his imagination and I really think he has a heart of art.

Chloe: Is sleeping exercise? It has to be.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beating the Heat

On Saturday June 4, we held a low-key "friend" birthday party for Finn. I bought a few boxes of popsicles and juice, and we met her friends at the park. The past two years I have spent gobs of money throwing elaborately themed parties with lackluster attendance. This year we had more kids than ever. I am not sure how to explain it but oh well. It was fun but VERY VERY HOT!!!!

Poor J.B. trying to keep cool while snoozing

Chloe cooling off on a dinosaur ride

Finn ate 6 popsicles and drank 2 or 3 juice boxes in a very short amount of time. When she threw up, the party was over.

Hutch in the whale or airplane depending on what you see when you look at it.

Shhhhh, don't tell him but I actually took these pics June 5 and he really hadn't changed much since June 2. He was up to 9lbs 3oz at last weight check. He isn't doing a whole lot more than eating, sleeping, and filling his diaper but he sure is cute.

Especially his adorable baby toes!

Hutch helping with the pap pap. He is such a helpful big brother.

This week the 3 big kids are going to VBS and I am happy about that. Hutch has loved that he can go too. Yesterday when Granna came to pick them up, he loudly answered "me" when she asked him if he was ready to go. Today I asked him at lunch if he was ready for a nap and he said no. A few minutes later I found him doing this.

and yes I know he has another black eye but it wasn't my fault--he got into a fight with the shoe bin at Burger King's play area and lost

Last night we went to a birthday party and giant blow pops were one of the favors. Today the girls were enjoying them and I heard a scream. Apparently while I was folding the mountains of laundry I washed yesterday, there was a terrible collision between Finley's lollipop and Chloe's hair. Instead of coming to me for help, Finley just pulled it out. Hence the scream. Here is Chloe's pigtail 'do after the lollipop removal.

Remnants of said lollipop

Finn laughing about the whole crazy thing

So to help wash out the lollipop, I hooked up the sprinkler for some afternoon fun. I did not take pictures of the fun since Hutch wouldn't leave me alone long enough to do so. He does not like water unless it is on his terms. After I cut the sprinkler off, the kids decided that the muddy puddles left in the backyard was a lot more fun. Even Hutch liked it. Chloe didn't appreciate the big splash from Finn's feet that left her covered in mud.

A little happier now that she was splashing.